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Notes On Business
2 Months ago

Don't complain
Be crazy, listen to your gut
Strip emotions and drama from money
Speak the truth
Have a 5-10-15-20 years plan
Do not marry
You are the sum of 5 people costantly around you
Do not confuse Social Networks with Networking
Struggle is a red carpet
It's a game among free thinkers and workers
Mindset is more important than skillset
Risks will bring Rewards
Your systems need SOP (Standard Operational Procedures) to scale up
Have clear Contracts (Conditions, Decision Maker, Timing of Exec)
6 figures with Branding, 7 figures with Marketing, 8 figures with System
Cultivate macro-patience and micro-urgency
Put on blinders to focus on forward goals
Let people know you exists on the business
Do not speak to little minds
Build on People, Time, Money, Expectations
Erase bad habits and past trauma
You Die Only Once (today is the most really important day)
Business is a mountain with no top.
Equity Equity Equity!
Refuse advice by failed people
Assume the close and make the other person laugh
Have the best business insurance ASAP
Love the pressure
Be hungry and ambitious
Never show weakness and sweat.
Be fit! Good physical shape communicates self-discipline and get respected
By being confident you influence unconfident people
Get a river of money, not a pile of it
Start a brand new rich family tree
Innovate all the time
Integrate AI anyhow
Be deadly honest
Always Satisfy Clients, Partners and Family
Live on compound interests ASAP
Huge deals are easier to do than small deals
Revenue is Vanity - Profit is Sanity
"Buy back your time"
The magic is in the work you are avoiding
Being trustable is better than likable
Work always for the compund effects
Plan B often kills Plan A. Kill Plan B.
Be ready to walk away from a deal.
Be the best you can be, not the best of all.
CCCEO = Change, Confidence, CLARITY Equals Opportunities
Diversify the business within your one area of expertise
In meetings, ASK*3, LISTEN*3!

Pay yourself first
Always feed the company first
Keep money moving by investing
Cash Flow!
Cash flowing appreciating assets
Money loves speed
Live below your means and possibly ASAP on compound interests
Put money on your retirement plan
Buy stuff with the Company and lease it to yourself

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